Ibrahim siempre te seguiré

No hay nada mas dificil que no engañarse a uno mismo.

Datos personales

Mephistopheles He represents the negative, infernal aspect of the psychic
function which has broken away from the All to acquire independence and an
individual character of its own (32).
Mercury The planetary god and the metal bearing his name. In astronomy, he
is the son of heaven and light; in mythology, he was engendered by Jupiter and
Maia. In essence he is the messenger of heaven. His Greek name of Hermes
signifies ‘interpreter’ or ‘mediator’. Hence it is his task to conduct the souls of the
dead to the Lower World. Like Hecate, he is often triform, that is, represented
with three heads. He epitomizes the power of the spoken word—the emblem of
the word; and for the Gnostics he was the logos spermatikos scattered about the
universe, an idea which was taken up by the alchemists who equated Mercury
with related concepts of fluency and transmutation (9). At the same time, he was
seen as a god of roads (that is, of potentialities) (4). In astrology he is defined as
‘intellectual energy’. The nervous system is controlled by him, for the nerves are
messengers on the biological plane (40). Probably it was the alchemists, with
their lofty speculations, who penetrated farthest into the archetypal structure of
Mercury. In many cases they identified their transmutation-substance with the
‘lively planet’, that is, with the god whose metal is white and decidedly lunar.
However, since Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun (related to gold), the
resultant archetype has a double nature (of a chthonian god and a celestial god—
a hermaphrodite) (32). Mercury (the metal) symbolizes the unconscious because
of its fluid and dynamic character; it is essentially duplex for, in one way, it is an
inferior being, a devil or monster, but in another sense it is the ‘philosophers’
child’ (33). Hence, its unlimited capacity for transformation (as in the case of all
liquids) came to be symbolic of the essential aim of the alchemist to transmute
matter (and spirit) from the inferior to the superior, from the transitory to the
stable. Mercury was also credited with an unlimited aptitude for penetration
(32). Its synonyms of Monstrum hermaphroditus and Rebis (‘something double’)
reveal its close connexion with the Gemini myth (Atma and Buddhi); its representation
as a feminine figure and Anima mundi (32) is more frequent and significant
than its absorption by the masculine principle alone. In this connexion René
Alleau recalls that the essential stages of the alchemic process were: prime matter,
Mercury, Sulphur, Lapis. The first phase corresponds to indifferentiation; the
second to the lunar and feminine principle; the third to the masculine and solar,
the fourth to absolute synthesis (which Jung identifies with the process of individuation).
The attributes of Mercury are the winged hat and sandals, the caduceus,
the club, the turtle and the lyre (which he invented and gave to Apollo)

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